Thursday, 2 January 2014

Do More Happy in 2014

1. Do More of What Makes You Happy

Well 2013 was pretty crappy. Not devastating, life changingly horrendous, no one in my life died, no illness or horror that would really justify saying it was a truly awful year. But I was sad, worried, disappointed, stressed and demotivated for much of it. 2013 will not be missed.

Nothing has changed since yesterday, except I have a bit of a hangover and discovered a funny, sick party game (Cards Against Humanity). A new year will not suddenly fix things or change things but with all this fresh start, resolutions, looking forward stuff that is coming at me from every angle today I thought I might just get on the bandwagon.

So here we are with a blog, an idea formed in the half hour between the Star Trek DVD ending and Sherlock starting, at the end of a day mostly spent lazing on the sofa with a log fire, cats and TV. Like many of my ideas, it might not come to much, I get distracted and busy and have new ideas for my mind to wander off to, but let's try it.

The name of the blog for now: Do More Happy. With it a simple ethos: Plan, make effort, take chances, change, step back and appreciate and just do more stuff that makes me happy.  Lets do this..

1 comment:

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