Thursday, 16 January 2014

Do Interesting Things

"Do Interesting Things and Interesting Things will Happen to You"

I have an abundance of ideas, ambitions and schemes most of which go nowhere as they all squabble for the attentions of my wandering brain and busy life. Its not like I'm bored and have nothing fun or exciting on the horizon, there is so much possibility and opportunity waiting out there. It's just about getting some focus and getting on with it. 

A week ago I created a facebook group with my friends. I simply said it was a group to suggest something you want to do, such as a gig, exhibition, restaurant and if others are interested they say so and then you sort it out. Sounds simple, you might wonder why we don't we do this anyway, but actually we are all busy and see each other less and less so it seems harder and harder to plan things in.

Something cool happened. Everyone got involved, and over a weekend we have plans and ideas for plans for months ahead. From a simple night at the pub to wine tasting dinners, pub quiz, go karting, come dine with me dinner parties, camping, space lectures, weekend in Brighton and poker night. Its going to be busy, but its going to be fun.

Can't wait to do more happy in 2014!

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